purpose of ourowntwohands

We are paddlers from the Pacific Northwest who completed a kayak expedition around the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska to raise money and awareness for the Cook InletKeeper, a non-profit organization working to protect waters quality the Kenai. Over 50% of the world's salmon are harvested from these waters.

The Kenai Peninsula is one of the most diverse ecosystems on our planet - home to brown and black bears, moose, caribou, migratory birds, wolves, humpback, beluga and killer whales, sea otters, sea lions, and all five species of wild pacific salmon.

Our 500 mile long journey began May 24 in Turnagain Arm in the Cook Inlet and concluded in Whittier on June 22, 2008. By donating to this cause, you will help support the Cook Inlet Keeper.

So far we have raised $1,500 all from your contributions! Thanks so much!!

23 April 2008

orcas planning weekend

Hey Guys!! Very excited about the weekend, seeing you all, being on island again, planning our trip, hanging out with B and Ryder. The forecast looks amazing too, finally some warm temps!

So here's a list of some of the things to discuss -

  • food review on complex carbs, meal options, spice kit
  • chart work updates
  • radio transmitter registered messages and email list.
  • medical kit and look at other things needed there
  • parkas and sunscreen!
  • building chart cases
  • safety kit - personal and group
  • extraneous gear - tarps, ropes, gun, water filter spare
  • our strategy for raising awareness - yahoo groups, lisa johnson emails out
  • sea kayaker article - i have some thoughts on a cool follow up for the trip, for awareness
  • shop gear - paddle, spray deck, ibex
  • cameras - 4GB cards, extra batteries, charger compatibility
  • radio - look at my m88, charger compatibility
  • update my boat hydration system
  • bug repellent
  • build foot brace for Djuna and Mathew's boats
  • books we can bring, share, read
  • WKC presentation slots. other symposium openings
  • blog review at the shop or library
  • SKOOKS video tweak
  • photoshop on the mac
Wow, big list, plenty of time. So we'll run into Friday night at Scott's or if you guys run late, we'll see you around 9:30am Saturday.

Have a great day!

20 April 2008


hey djuna, matt - picked up supplies this weekend for chart cases. I ended up getting 3 yards of 12mil vinyl, only $6.50 per yard. we might be able to get over 6 cases out of it, big ole role! that marine supply store is amazing, would be perfect to kit out a van! also picked up the angle aluminum, hand knobs and carriage bolts (zinc though) for the foot braces.

read through the Lonely Planet tonight, Alaska with a section on the Kenai. talked about the entire west coast having razor clams. we need to tie a shovel to someone's back deck. can't wait to eat some of that goodness. still thinking about food ideas, options, changes...

back to personal lists and gear, made the hard decision today to leave the uggs home!

took my brother, his girlfriend and B to Lake Union on Saturday, a bit of snow but got a few miles in, they all seemed to love it, and raced after passing boat wakes - they all felt surf a wee bit!