purpose of ourowntwohands

We are paddlers from the Pacific Northwest who completed a kayak expedition around the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska to raise money and awareness for the Cook InletKeeper, a non-profit organization working to protect waters quality the Kenai. Over 50% of the world's salmon are harvested from these waters.

The Kenai Peninsula is one of the most diverse ecosystems on our planet - home to brown and black bears, moose, caribou, migratory birds, wolves, humpback, beluga and killer whales, sea otters, sea lions, and all five species of wild pacific salmon.

Our 500 mile long journey began May 24 in Turnagain Arm in the Cook Inlet and concluded in Whittier on June 22, 2008. By donating to this cause, you will help support the Cook Inlet Keeper.

So far we have raised $1,500 all from your contributions! Thanks so much!!

21 May 2008

anchorage light

yes, we are all here now at Matt's parents.  it's good to be together.  we are lucky to have such a nice place to prepare all our kit and logistics.  and Noel is fattening us all up, her meals are excellent, as is the coffee.  ;)  

the basement looks like an unwrapped christmas morning as we unpack and again discuss all we'll bring.  it looks like we'll have plenty of room to carry quite a surplus of safety gear and extra things that will make the trip comfortable, and warm.  

tomorrow we make a final gear run and the first big food shop.  then we continue to wait until we can dry pack our boats, which are sitting quietly in a port in anchorage.  we could get them as early as friday or as soon as tuesday. 

the weather is very favorable here.  the seas are calm with only 15 knot wind gusts.  everything is trending in the right direction.

off to bed for a big sleep.  I am in Alaska, but it's weird, it's still light....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to following your adventures from Orcas! We are wishing you safe, fun-filled sunny days and know we are all thinking of you-James and Jess