purpose of ourowntwohands

We are paddlers from the Pacific Northwest who completed a kayak expedition around the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska to raise money and awareness for the Cook InletKeeper, a non-profit organization working to protect waters quality the Kenai. Over 50% of the world's salmon are harvested from these waters.

The Kenai Peninsula is one of the most diverse ecosystems on our planet - home to brown and black bears, moose, caribou, migratory birds, wolves, humpback, beluga and killer whales, sea otters, sea lions, and all five species of wild pacific salmon.

Our 500 mile long journey began May 24 in Turnagain Arm in the Cook Inlet and concluded in Whittier on June 22, 2008. By donating to this cause, you will help support the Cook Inlet Keeper.

So far we have raised $1,500 all from your contributions! Thanks so much!!

05 May 2008


there's been a lot of thought around 3
matt and djuna born this trip sometime ago
they were 2, simply put
they asked me to join as a third
to me it's significant.

a 1 person trip is a different purpose of a trip altogether
2 is an intimate trip with more risk than 1
3 provides much aid, but not so hard to move the group
4 now is that group, different agendas come about
5 continues the path to many in a group,
eventually that group splits back to 3.

3 is a magic number
3 provides a tie break in decisions
3 allows 2 to go in the woods protected from bears
3 breaks up camp duties a little easier
3 is a prime number
3 resonates with the universe well
3 boats allows more special foods to be brought
3 sets pace while 2 and 1 talk
3 can navigate while 2 helps 1 if injured
3 makes boat carrying a sure lot easier
3 is easier on the mind than 2
3 can make a triangle, where 2's only a line
3 lines are in a peace symbol

1 comment:

bgirl said...

another 3 will be eagerly following the trip and awaiting your return...

katie mae